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Ages 7-11 Family Focused  Freedom From Anxiety Package

If you have any children under your care and you are reading this then there is a good chance that they are suffering with anxiety or have done sometime in their lives. There is probably also a good chance that you, as a parent, carer or professional working with children have also suffered with anxiety, or maybe suffering right now.

Anxiety affects millions of people all over the World every year. There is a good chance that someone you know is suffering from anxiety right now whether they know it or not.

The magical thing about helping our children manage anxiety is that we help ourselves at the same time. And don't forget that many of us may suffer from anxiety due to childhood experiences that we haven't dealt with...yet!

Mindfulness, EFT Tapping,   Breathing + Energy techniques,  and more

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Anxiety can be deep rooted in the body, for example a phobia. It can be based on a real fear for example exams, or even based on imaginary fears for example monsters in the closet. Whatever the cause, we respond to all these anxieties in the same way.

Anxiety is more then just a thought or an emotion, its a complete bodily experience. If you have ever felt butterflies in your stomach or a headache when some thing you fear is pending, these might well be your anxiety early warning signs kicking in.

If the young person you care for is suffering with excessive worrying and anxiety this can also be confusing and heart-breaking for you, as their carer to witness. Unfortunately, when we, as adults, start to feel anxious about those we care for, this can make the situation worse by what we say and do, even if we are well intentioned. They may well have complexities and behaviours that you do or do not understand or struggle to emphasise with. They may have learning difficulties or aspects of neurodiversity that offer uniqueness but also an extra element of confusion for them and yourself. 

When anxiety contributes to poor sleep, disordered eating, school refusal and low mood to mention a few, we can feel disempowered or even failing as a parent, carer or proefessional. When this happens, our own thoughts and emotions can affect both ourselves but also transfer onto young people in our care, exacerbating an already distressing.

If this all sounds familiar then you are in the right place and its time to accept the present and past and start working towards a more positive future for you and yours. As Franklin D Roosevelt once said "there is nothing to fear but fear itself" 

Overcoming anxiety does not have to involve never ending trips to a counsellor or medication from the doctor. We have the power within ourselves to help our bodies and minds feel calmer, in control and able to overcome anxiety. And when we help ourselves by practising what we preach, the overall benefit to those around us is multiplied. It can sometimes help to break down the anxiety managing process into three workable elements, namely:

Education, Awareness + Action.


To learn about what anxiety actually is, how it affects our thoughts and bodily reactions. To understand how the brain has learnt to use anxiety to keep you safe and that we can reprogram our brain and bodies to help it feel 'safe'.


To use the knowledge we have gained to increase our awareness of our thoughts, bodily reactions and also behaviours that may actually re-enforce our anxiety. To recognise day to day triggers and possibly even the root cause of our anxiety.


Education and awareness cannot go far towards tackling anxiety without taking action. Regular, consistent action is essential in helping you brain and body recognise the difference between an actual danger and a situation that is perceived  as dangerous. Anxiety is a natural and healthy response but we sometimes need to give it a helping hand and only action based tools and activities can fully help us do this.

If you or someone you know has suffered with anxiety for a long time it may seem like nothing will make it go away, especially if you are trying to 'think' your way out of anxiety.  If this is the case then its time to start using your bodies natural energy to help calm manage your anxiety. Through education, awareness and action you may well be surprised what magic you can discover inside you. So with that in mind lets have a look at what' included  in this offer

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1) A book to have and hold 

'Tips, tricks and sciency bits to manage anxiety' was written and illustrated with the belief that it really doesn't matter what age we are, if we have not been educated on what anxiety is and given some effective tools to manage it, we are likely to continue to suffer.

Although anxiety is to an extent perfectly natural and may be seen as a sign that we are about to do something new and exciting, long term anxiety can have detrimental effects to our minds, bodies and lifestyles. There is also strong evidence to suggest that we can pass on our anxious attributes to our future generations.

This is why our first book was written to be read alone or shared with families members, friends, classrooms and groups. But we are not just talking about sharing words but also sharing participation in the activities discussed in the book. Remember those three key factors?

Education, Awareness + Action.

Enjoy meeting some special characters who support Rose overcome anxiety around her spell casting exam.

Learn the research based information behind how we feel anxiety and why the tips and tricks discovered by Rose are so powerful that could well be magic

Meet Sir Tapalot, Arlo, Professor Jackdaw and more!

Set in the magical grounds of Stormy Skies Academy and yet the tools discussed including heart breathing, mindfulness and EFT/ Tapping are available for all of us to learn, not just witches and wizards.

Explore the different areas of Stormy Skies Academy where Rose learns a new trick to manage her anxiety.

Read it to (son’s name) who struggles with rejection sensitivity dysphoria as part of his ADHD which causes him a lot of anxiety and he really likes it. Good job.

Simplified language to explain the "sciency" bit - normalises the experience and the variety of techniques give children different options to try.

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2) Book Supporting Worksheets

We will send you some book supporting resources but will also be adding more over time which will be free to download from this website.

This is a digital product requiring Internet Access

Digital Download Size 8.5 x 11 - 1 Page Download PDF (12).png

3) Your very own 5 Day Recorded    Workshop

An easy to follow 5 day video workshop with supporting materials. Ideal for the home, classroom or group setting

This is a digital product requiring Internet Access

4) A Downloadable, Printable
22-Page Printable Bundle 

Use this bundle in your own time and that of your young person to continue theirs and your journey in managing anxiety.

These are digital downloads PDF's to print out.

And don't forget

The Facebook Discussion and Support Group is here for you to flaunt your achievements and keep motivated to help your child mange their anxiety and help yourself long the way.

©2020 by its not magic but it could be. Proudly created with

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